Hair fall treatment
Your inherited genes and family history of hair fall or baldness can sometimes be the reasons for your excessive or premature hair fall.
Your hair needs special care, like your skin and overall body. Not maintaining your hair properly, following a bad hair care regime, like not cleansing it properly and regularly, not using proper hair shampoo or conditioners, or excessive styling of your hair with perms and more can damage your hair in the long run, causing hair fall.
Frequent styling of your hair and exposing it to the sun can ruin your hair’s health. Try covering your head if you’re out for a longer period.
Fancy and tight hairstyles like ponytails or designer braids pull your hair, leading to hair fall in the long run.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, or conditions like thyroid can also cause hair fall.
Certain medical conditions and treatments, like chemotherapy, cancer, and arthritis, don’t do well for your hair’s health, causing its thinning and damage.
Your diet plays an important role in not just maintaining your overall wellness but your hair health as well. This means you must have a proper and adequate intake of iron, protein, zinc, and other significant vitamins and minerals to avoid hair fall problems.
Excessive stress, anxiety, depression, or even physical trauma can cause hair fall.
It is common to lose some hair with aging. Your hair density reduces with age. Plus, the speed of your hair growth also declines.
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