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All About Vitiligo: Symptoms, Causes, and Modern Treatments

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Vitiligo is a condition of the skin that can result in depigmentation or loss of color. The immune system destroys melanocytes, which are the pigment-producing cells of the skin, leading to the loss of color. Melanocytes are skin cells that create melanin, the pigment that determines skin color.

What Is The Prevalence of Vitiligo?

Vitiligo affects more than 1% of people globally.

How Does Vitiligo Start and Progress?

Vitiligo typically begins with small white patches or spots that could eventually expand across the body. Vitiligo usually starts on hands, forearms, feet, and face but may appear on any body part, including mucous membranes (lining of mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas), eyes, and inner ears.

Occasionally, larger patches might keep expanding and increasing in size but typically remain stationary for many years. Over time, the position of small macules on the skin varies as some areas lose and then regain their pigment.

The extent of skin involvement differs for every individual with vitiligo. Certain individuals may have isolated patches of depigmented skin, whereas others may experience extensive loss of skin coloration.

In What Areas of Body Vitiligo Symptoms is Experience?
Signs of vitiligo may manifest on any part of the skin. However, symptoms are most commonly found in certain areas of the body, and these areas need long-term treatment for repigmentation.
Why Do You Get Vitiligo?
Research suggests that vitiligo could be caused by:
Is Vitiligo Genetic?
As research continues to discover more about the reasons behind vitiligo, it has been found that around 30% of vitiligo caeved to have a genetic component. This implies that vitiligo is genetic and can be passed down from your biological relatives. Multiple genetic mutations can impact the functioning of melanocyte cells. Symptoms of vitiligo occur when a genetic mutation affects the cells responsible for skin pigment production.
Why is Vitiligo important?
Even though vitiligo is primarily a cosmetic issue, it has a devastating effect on the patient’s social life and self-esteem. This could lead to feelings of anxiety or depression and cause a desire to withdraw from others or avoid social interactions. If this occurs, it is important to communicate with your doctor, a therapist specializing in mental health, or your loved ones.
How Is Vitiligo Diagnosed?

A skin clinic like Adityan Skin & Hair Laser Centre typically accurately identifies vitiligo using this method. Your vitiligo specialist may examine your skin using a Wood’s lamp. This lamp utilizes UV light to illuminate your skin, aiding your provider in distinguishing vitiligo from other skin conditions. Furthermore, your vitiligo specialist doctor might inquire about your past medical conditions and family medical background.

What Other Conditions Look Like Vitiligo?
Other factors can also cause alterations or loss of skin pigmentation.